Wearable Posture Correction Device
Generative AI Historical Scene Explorer
Interactive & Immersive Virtual Gallery
safety wristband for events and festivals
data visualisation on gender inequality
embroidery driven by Big data
trip planning APP
website making
photos with AR animation
Processing animation
raise awareness for colourblindness
interactive poster design
inspired by an album cover
A paradoxical illustration of myself.
jewellery 3d modelling practice
interactive installation using Arduino
stamp carving
A painting of a wedding photo.
photoshop practice
with Markov Chain matrix
designed with function graphs
with fruits and vegetables
for an important friend
line drawing art
What influences the beauty standard?
house logo design
fashion illustration practice
A photography of a skeleton.
public art
post card design
t-shirt deign
A reflection of life.
A digital illustration of lily James.